Whatever address you type in as your 'Timezone', will be visible in emails to your clients and on your Ecommerce website
If you rent a space, type in the Salon Location as your 'Timezone.
If you are a mobile hairdresser, type in your Suburb and State as your 'Timezone', so at least your Clients know which area/s you service.
If you have a Home Salon and offer Online Bookings and have your Ecommerce website on your social media, therefore don't want your home address visible, type in your Suburb and State as your 'Timezone' so clients know if the suburb of your home salon is a reasonable travel time for them.
*For first time new Clients, you will see their Online Booking request app notification come through and therefore gives you the opportunity to give them a phone call for that first time chat and forward your home address to them then.
When they become repeat clients, they already know where you live so no need to have your home address in the email Appointment Confirmation sent 3 days prior to their booking.
It is very important to add a location to your 'Timezone' as this sets the Timezone of your Calendar.
*If you need further assistance, please reach out via the 'Get Help' function in your app!